Nov 8, 2016

Successfully lose your weight without any problems

I guess you have been gathering the information about how to lose your weight on the net, and finally you will find your way to this article. Maybe you quick look at this article and you would search for another information. So I understand that I need to say make a conclusion first, you can be lose your weight 6 kilograms by decreasing the amount of a breakfast, that's all.

Gathering a information by myself summarise briefly and just did it every day. Finally I was able to lose my weight successfully.

Although I wanted to publish a book for those who suffer from loosing weight, but my way of loosing weight is so simple because it just decreasing the amount of breakfast every day, I don't have many things to writing for the book that why I decided to share this article on my blog site.

I was about 172 centimeters tall and weighed about 68 kilograms which was typical Japanese at the time. I used to work as a network engineer which involved wiring works at customer's site such as in an office buildings to set up for the LAN system.

Managed to maintaining my weight 68 kilograms for a long time because wiring works made me through burn off calories. I convinced myself that I won't be put on my weight anymore.

My manager offerred me to transfer to a new post for hard work to desk work, facing on a computer every day. I'm a kind of restless person, The job which working on a computer stressed me out for a while that why I ate too much to reduce my stress.

One day, I checked my weight. I was surprized I put on my weight 68 kilograms to 71 kilograms. Although I was convinced that I will never put on my weight whatever I eat. but I've put on my weight. Furthermore, I was shocked that my weight became more than 70 kilograms. So I made up my mind to restore my weight to a former condition.

I've started gathering information about go on a diet. One day I found interesting article which mentioned mild fasting. That article mentioned our stomach functions ceaselessly that's why we should better give a rest for a stomach if possible. To do so, spend a day without having breakfast.

For example, you finished to have a dinner at 8 pm and go to bed. Skip having breakfast in the morning and have a lunch at 12 pm. I mean you were fasting for 16 hours that means mild fasting.

If you keep mild fasting, you are not only able to lose your weight but also enable to beauty skin and your brain functions very well.

I was impressed that article because I've doing practicing Yoga and meditation. Any way, let me try how it works.

Usually I ate similar breakfast every morning, a cup of coffee, a piece of bread, fruit and yogurt. I tried to skip breakfast for a couple of days. However things are not going as well as I had expected. Sufferred from Lack of energy and lack of concentration which disable to function well.

According to the article which I read about mild fasting, it's possible to drink a small amount of water during a mild fasting. I've decided to sip coffee instead of water because when I sip coffee in the morning, make me relaxing and get motivated for beginning of a day.

Having some only coffee every morning brought me something wrong with my body. I felt a bit stomach ache and roots of my lip had split. I understood that there's something wrong with my stomach. So I started to eat yogurt every morning to protect inside of my stomach. I also eat some fruits as well to take a vitamin.

I didn't take it so seriously because I just wanted to lose my weight 3 kilograms. Aside from do not having a piece of bread in the morning, my eating habit have return to the way it was before.

Anyway, I made a plan to go on a diet and just do it. Surprisingly, it took effect after three or four weeks. I've lost 6 kilograms. I just wanted to lose my weight 3 kilograms but I was ablet to lose my weight 6 kilograms.

Actually, I've been doing this way of diet for six years, I'm still maintaining my weight 63 kilograms to 65 kilograms. In conclusion, I was able to lose my weight 6 kilograms(maximum 8 kilograms)by decreasing the amount of a breakfast.

This way of diet that I mentioned above is very easy for everyone. You can be lose your weight just like me because we are all the similar anatomy.

Finally, let me tell you briefly to achieve your goal.

Building blocks of how to lose your weight:

・ Measure your weight every day
・ You can eat whatever you want, but not eat too much
・ Decreasing the amount of a breakfast

All the best!

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