Nov 19, 2016

How to order typical Japanese fast food

As for typical Japanese fast food, I definitely think it's a "Tachigui Soba" which serves standing up eating noodle that you can find out everywhere in the train stations.

Usually the Businessmen who are in a hurry eat at there in order to finish the meal quickly and make it cheaper. I guess you have never seen those kind of shops in your country that why you'd hesitate to go into there. However those meals are cheap and healthy.

During the period of your stay in Japan, I want you to eat at Tachigui Soba onece in a while.

Vending machine

How to order a meal:

1.Buy Meal ticket at Vending machine. ※1

2.Give a ticket to the staff in the kitchen counter.

3.The staff ask you that which do you like Soba or Udon?
   You can chose one of those. ※2

4.Wait for a meal at near the staff.

5.A meal would be served in a minute.
   You should better ask for a spoon to sipping broth.

6.Enjoy your meal.
   Add some red pepper on it to taste.

Let me explain some of them:

Kake soba / かけそば:
Buckwheat noodles in broth with sliced scallion.

Tanuki soba / たぬきそば:
Buckwheat noodles in broth with grains of deep fried batter.

Kitsune soba / きつねそば:
Buckwheat noodles in broth with orange colored looks like paper thin made of soy beans, its taste very sweet.

Wakame soba / わかめそば:
Buckwheat noodles in broth with seaweed.

Kakiage soba / かき揚げそば:
Buckwheat noodles in broth with deep fried vegetables batter.

Brown colored buckwheat thin noodles which contain a lots of vitamin B and dietary fibers. Having effect on improving blood stream that enable to beauty skin.

White colored thick wheat flour noodles which contain carbohydrate has effect on bring energy and absorb nutrition quickly.

In eastern part of Japan like Tokyo, Soba is more popular than Udon. However Udon is much more popular than Soba in western part of Japan like Osaka and Kyoto. Its broth made from benito in eastern Japan, in contrast its broth made from seaweed with lighter taste.
I've heard that Lady Gaga often dropped by Tachigui soba during her stay in Japan. She said that her favorite one is Kakiage soba. American celebrity likes Japanese fastfood may sounds interesting to me.

Plastic food samples

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