Oct 29, 2016

Kua Aina / Yokohama Station Kanagawa

Kua Aina, Yokohama

Kua Aina, Originated Hawaiian burger restaurant which has two locations in Hawaii took into Japan and evolving twenty locations. I like Burger King or Curl's Jr too, however they are kind of fast food its taste or interior like a Macdonalds'. Apprently Kua Aina is different from those kind of fast food restaurant.Well, Let me introduce one of them how to get to the Kua Aina in Yokohama.

Get There:
From JR Yokohama station, Take a walk on the platform the direction of Tokyo to the end of platform for North East Exit A(きた東口A).
and then,

go down this stairs.

When you went through the ticket barrier, take your turn right.

You will see that

Take this way

Go up this stairs and take a walk on the pedestrian way

Finally, You will find you way to the Yokohama Bay Quarter. You are already at the third floor.

Kua aina is on the fourth floor.

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