Oct 22, 2016

Carl's Jr / Akihabara Tokyo

Carl's Jr(カールズジュニア)


Get There:
The closest stations is Suehiro-cho Station(G14) on the Ginza Subway Line, Exit 1 or Exit 3.
From the Exit 3,
go up the stairs, and then, cross the street on your right. You'll be Exit 1.
From the Exit 1,
Go up the stairs, and then turn backward, you can see this view like this.

you can see this view like this

Go straight until the next traffic light which takes about 2 minutes. You can find the Carl's jr on your left.


Travel Tip:
When you got to the nearest train station, ask someone to point out the Japanese character on the top line of this sentence. You will be  there effectively.

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