Jan 17, 2019

Orlando Magic

In the flight to Orlando Florida that I have boarded from Detroit, Captain said by internal announcement that this flight will be soon landing approach on Orlando International Airport. I got excited When I heard of that. Universal Studio, Sea World and Disney World, There's a lot of things to enjoy. "Orlando Magic" What a wonderful phrase it is! 

I borrowed a rent-a-car at the airport and heading to downtown Orlando on my way to Disney World. The view from the window at the moving car was greenery bogs and was really humid in there. I think the climate of west coast in the States during the summer is dry and mild being avoid to be heat and humidity. so I noticed that America's climate is comfortable to live. but it was the first time to go to east coast in the States ever so I was surprise that the climate in east coast is as humid as Tokyo.

When I driving down the road, I often seen the animal carcass that run over by the car. I thought those carcass were cats because it happen quite often in Japan. However, I wonder those animal carcass were something different between the cats. I found another carcass again, pulled over and get out of a car. I took a look at a animal carcass carefully that run over by car. Oh my Goodness, that was armadillos! I was surprised to see that because there's no armadillos in Japan and I've only seen that one on TV or zoo. I was curious that such a novelty animals run over by cars.

I arrived at Downtown Orlando and checked in TravelLodge. I took a rest over sipping some coffee in the disposal plastic cup which served at Motel and ate some Reese in order to bring some energy after put my luggage and organized in my room. I was able to recover from fatigue and I felt hang around the town within walking distance.

I've ever seen many American city that surrounded skyscrapers. but the city of Orlando has not so many skyscrapers compare to other American cities. The people those who walking down on the streets are mostly elderly people. The music which I listened to in town are also very old. I felt like as if my energy absorbed by elderly people that made me feel down. I wonder what's the definition of "Orlando Magic"?

Although I wasn't interested in about an aging society during my stay in Orlando, Nowadays I wish that my country changes into one where elderly people can be live easily.

It has come time that We have to seriously think about what we should do from facing the trends of an aging of society.

It's gonna be wonderful if I were able to go back to Orlando again, I want to learn how the government working on the elderly people support system and then I want to be useful for those know how in a local community where I belong as a volunteer work.

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