Dec 27, 2020

Koshigoe / Kamakura Kanagawa

 Fishing Port

You can eat freshly caught fish.


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Wednesday and Friday


Koyurugi Shrine


Shichirigahama Beach


Take JR Yokosuka Line from Downtown Tokyo such a Tokyo Station. It takes approximately fifty minutes to get to Kamakura(鎌倉) Station from Tokyo Station. When you arrive at Kamakura Station, transfer to a Enoden(江ノ電) Line and get off at Koshigoe(腰越) Station that takes about twenty minutes from Kamakura Station.


Recommendations around there:


Nov 27, 2020

Find your favorite Ramen

Ramen is a Japanese dish which made of noodle soup broth. Long time ago, Chinese took into Japan and evolved in unique ways.

Definitely, Ramen is indispensable to Japanese people, I have never heard that Japanese person who doesn't like Ramen. Basically we have four kind of broth: soy sauce, salt, bean paste and pork bone. Everyone has picky Ramen store and we go there very often.

Let me introduce Ramen store where I have visited below. If you interested in go there, please find a location from each link.

I'm going to update this page at any time. so please check it out!

【Kagemusha 影武者】

豚ましらーめん Butamashi Ramen \880

Thick noodle with tender doulbe roasted pork.
You can ask for extra vegitable for free of charge.

【Tsujita つじ田】

味玉濃厚ラーメン Ajitama Noko Ramen \880

Chewy noodle with thick pork bone based fish broth soup.
Two thumbs up!!

【Marutama まる玉】

まる玉らーめん玉子入り Marutama Ramen with soft boiled seasoning egg 800yen

Chicken based tasty broth.


【Tokki 徳記】

豚足そば TonSoku Soba 1,030yen

Foot of pig contain a lot of collagen that enable to expect beauty skin.


【Taimeikenn Ramen Corner たいめいけん らーめんコーナー】

ラーメン + 煮玉子 Ramen with Nitamago 900yen


【Yurinbo 雲林坊】

汁あり担担麺 Shiruari Tantanmen 880yen


【MenyaMusashi BukotsuSoden 麺屋武蔵 武骨相傳】

濃厚黒つけ麺 Noko Kuro Tukemen 980yen


【Matoi まとい】

平子煮干そば Hirako Niboshi Soba 750yen


【Kairikiya 魁力屋】

チャーシュー麺 Noodles with sliced roasted port 850yen


【Hokuto 北斗】

味噌ラーメン Miso Ramen 700yen


【Shohei 昌平】

Shohei serves delicious pork bone based fish broth soup with reasobable prices.

チャーシュー麺 Noodles with sliced roasted pork 800yen


【Ichigen 一幻】

Delicious shrimp flavored soup.

ほどほどえびみそ細麺 Hodohodo Ebimiso Hosomen 780yen


【Santoka 山頭火】

しおらーめん Shio Ramen : 870yen


【Hakata Tenjin 博多天神】

You can ask for one more noodles.
Please say "Kaedama kudasai;替え玉ください"
Make sure leave broth before you ask for another noodles.

ラーメン Ramen : 500yen


【Kosyu Ichiaba 広州市場】

I like this old fashioned taste.

広州ワンタン麺 Kosyu Wantan Men:799 yen


【Torioh Keisuke 鶏王けいすけ】

Roasted Chicken that has crispy shell and tender meat is very tasty.
By the time served Ramen, You can eat spicy Bean sprouts on the table for free.


【Fuuraikyo 風来居】


【Ramen Jiro ラーメン二郎】

Big amount of vegetable with reasonable price.

ラーメン Ramen : 600yen


【Ganso New Tantanmen Honpo 元祖ニュータンタンメン本舗】

It's very hot and contain a lots of garlic in its broth.

タンタンメン Tantanmen : 750yen


【Nagi すごい煮干ラーメン凪】

Very unique its taste of broth and noodle.

すごい煮干ラーメン Sugoi Niboshi Ramen : 820yen


【Ringer Hut リンガーハット】

A major chain restaurant from Southern region.

長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki Chanpon : 626yen


【Sora 麺屋そら】

Very tasty broth which made of bean paste.

Ganko Miso 頑固味噌 : 850yen


【Rmen Horiuchi らあめん ほりうち】

Tsukemen style which means add noodle into the broth.

Zaru Ramen ざるらーめん : 740yen


【Mendokoro Naokyu 麺処 直久】

It is in the underground shopping center at Shimbashi station.

Naokyu Kokuuma Ramen 直久こく旨らーめん : 790yen


【Ippudo 一風堂】

Sophisticated atmosphere and expanding overseas.

Shiromaru 白丸元味 : 790yen


【Minami 南】

Very thick pork bone broth.

Ramen ラーメン:680yen


【Korakuen 幸楽苑】

A major chain restaurant which offer reasonable prices.

Ramen ラーメン:390yen


【Tanmen shakishaki タンメンしゃきしゃき】

Salt taste with fried vegetables on it. It is very healthy. I think that the people those who came from HongKong likes its taste.

Tanmen タンメン:700 yen


Oct 16, 2020

Things to buy

You came all the way to Tokyo, I hope you enjoy any shopping there. Would you like to buy something for you, your friends or your family? Let me introduce some products that sold affordable prices.


is a very popular snack in Japan which consisting of small pieces of 
spicy rice crackers in the shape of a half-moon and peanuts.


is a kind of the Japanese traditional sweets which made of deep fried 
flour snack including the brown sugar. 

When you walking down on the streets, sometimes you can find some karinto
on the ground. but don't pick it up. It's a cat's poo.


Clothing vacuum seal bag:
Roll up clothes compression storage bag is very helpful in order to increases the capacity of your suitcase.

I tried to compress my Down Jacket.

It's only 108yen.
You can buy it at "Daiso"


Uniqlo Heattech extra warm:

This inner wear generates heat from your body.
Those prices are 1,500yen. I think much cheaper than America.



Every time Westerner people ask me that "Why Japanese people looks so young?" I always said that "I think that our eating habits are more healthier than westerner. " Especially we take pickled plum which called "Umeboshi" every day.
It has a lot of citric acid included, I mean that having effect on improving blood stream that enable to beauty skin, improving immune system and recovering from fatigue. However, you should avoid eat it too much because its taste are very sour and salty.


Kit Kat Green Tea Flavor:

The flavor of this KitKat's are so unique that you are going to be hooked its taste. They're treat to have with coffee or tea or to slip in with your lunch.



Lotte's Sasha Chocolate has many dark and white chocolate stripe layers.
The texture of the chocolate is very airy and makes the chocolate to melt in you mouth.

Eye drops which prevents sleepiness:

In Japan, There are many eye drops being sold which contain mint component in order to prevents sleepiness. Those are effective not only prevents sleepiness but also refresh your mind.

I think "ROHTO Z!" contains a lot of mint component than any other eye drops. The price is approximately 250yen, Very reasonable, isn't it? You can buy another ROHTO Z which contains the strongest mint components. You can buy approximately 650 yen but cheaper one is good enough to you.

Pizza Flavored Potato Chips:

As far as I know, Pizza Flavored Potato Chips are not seen very often overseas. Pizza Flavored Potato Chips which sold Japan are different between the one which I ate overseas because the one which sold Japan are added some cheese on a surface of each slices. It's very tasty so please try! I definitely think you like it very much.

The prices is approximately 120 yen. You can buy it at the Super Market or Convenience stores like a SevenEleven.


Sep 6, 2020

Australian Meat Pie

Have you ever thought of miss something to eat when you left your country?    What do you miss the most about your country? In my case,I have experience in America,so sometimes I crave for Reese's,Gatorade and Burrito.

A lot of Australian tourists came to Japan every year.I'm so proud of that Australian tourists chose Japan for a travel destination.During a period stay in Japan, Sometimes Australian must be feels missing something to eat about Australia.

I've decided to write an article to inform all Australian(Do you think I'm not polite to say Aussie in this case?) travelers those who visit to Tokyo that you can have a Meat Pie which considered a Australian national dish.

Even though we have a Meat Pie in Japan which sold at the local bakery,the one which sold there are totally different the one you ate in Australia.

How do you get an Australian Meat Pie in Tokyo?

You can buy it at SevenEleven.

You can find a Meet Pie at the frozen food section.

Ask a cashier that "Atatamete kudasai" which means,Could you heat this up in the microwave? Your Meet Pie is ready to eat.

Four'n Twenty Meat Pie imported from its taste is the same.

I think its size are bit smaller than the one which sold in Australia and are expensive(approximately 300 yen include the tax).If you paid for 300 yen at SevenEleven,it's not going to be satisfied your appetite but when you are craving for a Meat Pie,it's good value for money once in a while.

I've heard that you can buy Four'n Twenty Meat Pie at SevenEleven around of Tokyo,but you would have hard time to finding Four'n Twenty Meat Pie other region.