Aug 31, 2019

Bay Cruise by Train / Tsurumi, Yokohama

Take the Keihin Tohoku Line, get off the train at Tsurumi Station to transfer to Tsurumi Line for Umishibaura 海芝浦 Station.
The fare for that train is 154 yen for 11 minutes trip.

There are five train stations between Tsurumi and Umishibaura. Those five train stations are unmanned. so you can get in and out freely.

Tsurumi Line, Ticket gates

Tsurumi Line has several kind of routes. so please make sure to take the train for Umishibaura.

We arrived at Umishibaura Station.
A train station stands along the sea.

Due to the part of the factory site, you may not pass through this ticket gate. Buy a return ticket at the booth or touch your IC Card at a touch panel.

Confirm the train schedule.

Let's stroll down this park till next train comes.

This park is very close to the sea, so it feel like you are boarding a cruise vessel.
On a sunny day, you will see a amazing sunset.

Aug 14, 2019


In 1905, Such a small country Japan declared war against big country Russia in order to protect its interest, the Rosso-Japanese War.

There were great casualties on both countries but Japan had slight superior to Russia so far. Japan already spent all military strength in the Army. In Russia, It is difficult to continue the war due to the political instability. 

Russian great fleet left from Baltic sea in northern Europe to participate in battle and went north toward China via the Cape of Good Hope.
Baltic fleet was going to join with Russian Pacific fleet in China to destroy Japanese fleet. But, Russian Pacific fleet in China was destroyed by Japanese Navy and Army while Baltic fleet was still at Africa.
Baltic fleet forced the strategy to reach the Vladivostok that a naval port located far to the northward from Japan that means Russia has the command of the sea around of Japan. Whatever it takes Japan must be resist at all costs.

Baltic fleet attempt to reach Vladivostok has to pass through in the sea around Japan. Japanese fleet has to win a battle against Baltic fleet and Japan has no choice to enter into peace negotiations mediated by America.

Japanese navy formulated various strategies to battle with Baltic fleet. But the most important thing is Baltic fleet pass through the sea of Japan coast between Korea and Japan or pacific coast to reach the Vladivostok because Japanese fleet need to disperse their battle ships in case of Baltic fleet pass through the pacific coast. However, if the Baltic fleet pass through the sea of Japan when Japanese battle ships dispersed on pacific coast, it's going to be impossible to catch up with Baltic fleet.

Japanese fleet definitely has to annihilate the Baltic fleet before the Baltic fleet reached the Vladivostok that made high rank officers of the Japanese navy bothered about that. But, Togo Heihachiro who is a admiral of the fleet in the Imperial Japanese Navy has no doubt about that problem. 
Togo said, "I'm sure Russian fleet pass through the sea of Japan." So Japanese fleet concentrated a large force on the sea of Japan to assume the Russian fleet pass through the sea of Japan. No failure can be allowed.
On 27 May 1905, In the early morning, Japanese scouting ship found Baltic fleet heading north to the sea of Japan and immediately inform the situation to Togo's headquarter. Japanese fleet just departed south to chase Baltic fleet.

Zinovy Rozhestvensky who is a admiral of the Baltic fleet in the Russian Navy found Japanese Imperial Navy combined fleet with the chrysanthemum of the Imperial crest placed on the nose of the ship.

Russian Pacific fleet exposed by Japanese fleet led by Togo came in view at last and became strained in the Baltic fleet. the Baltic fleet in prepare for battle and committed to watch closely.

Mean while, Japanese fleet intended for combat. also, to inspire morale to the entire fleet Togo said, "The Empire's fate depends on this battle, Let every men do this utmost duty." Japan will be a Russian colony if we lost this battle. We definitely have to win this battle.

Togo raised the morale of the Japanese Navy. Togo's subordinates recommended to evacuate in the safety place before the battle but he refused it and stick around alone at the bridge of a warship that is the most dangerous place.

The distance between Baltic fleet and Japanese fleet is closer to reach the limit but Togo still doesn't direction to his subordinates. Everybody gradually getting rush it. When the mutual distance becomes 8 kilometers, Togo on the bridge of a warship raised his right hand high into the air quietly and rotated his right hand left which means sudden turns of warships to the left.
Mikasa's operator and co-operator surprised to see that for an instant and looked each other but they both nodded with keep composure.

A flag warship Mikasa performed a sudden turn to the left and following warships performed sudden turn as well as Mikasa. It's like seeing a ballet recital its moving in perfect order.

But, Turning of the warships in presence of the enemy means as well as expose Japanese fleet's weak point. Its action going to be accompany by much danger. Admiral Rozhestvensky was watching that and screamed " Togo, you lost all your mind!" Baltic fleet's concentrated fire has started.

Japanese fleet putting up with Baltic fleet's concentrated fire while keep turning to the left. Togo is standing up on the bridge of a warship which is the most dangerous place. but the cannonballs pass through being avoids him. Japanese fleet has been wait for open fire but Togo calmly observing current situations.

When the warships finished to turn to the left, Togo did the instructions of bombardment. Japanese fleet began fierce counter attack against Baltic fleet.

Japanese fleet's concentrated fire on the crossing the T tactics hitting the Russian warships without fail. The gunpowder used by Japanese fleet are very strong that caused the sinking of Russian warships in no time and eventually Baltic fleet lost control.

Heavy fighting came to the end about 30 minutes. Japanese fleet overwhelmed over Russian Baltic fleet. Apparently that was a perfect crime.

After the battle Togo got off bridge of a warship. Togo's footprints were left at there. I gonna have to say instead of him that Togo himself didn't stir from the spot and delivered to boost the morale of the men. Togo was definitely ready to die.

Few days later, Togo visited Russian Admiral Rozhestvensky in the hospital and celebrated Rozhestvensky's courage.


Theodore Roosevelt who was the President of the United States of America worked as the intermediator, Japan concluded the peace treaty with Russia in Japan's favor. President Theodore Roosevelt was recognized for its his great achievement to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Why were small country Japan able to win against large strong country Russia at that time? We had a 60% of good luck. What was the rest of 40% stands for? That was good luck too but 60% of good luck was heaven's will. And 40% of good luck was open up by human power.

Japan was forced to opening of the country to the world since 1850 circa and abolished feudalism by revolution. Japanese built the country based on "Bushido" which means obedient and keep discipline changed by the modernization and built up the military power rapidly. I think the compilation of Japanese revolution was the result of Rosso-Japanese war.

The reason that we were able to conclude Anglo-Japanese Alliance, caused Russia's political confusion by Japan and Northern European countries suffered from Russia's aggressive policy and concluded the peace treaty with Russia in Japan's favor mediated by the United States of America, I believe those must be good luck opened by justice.

After the Rosso-Japanese war, A farewell ceremony performed by Japanese Imperial Navy combined fleet was held, Admiral Togo left the word.
(I mentioned to quote a part of his speech below.)
"If, keeping the instructions of our Sovereign ever graven on our hearts, we serve earnestly and diligently, and putting forth our full strength, await what the hour may bring forth, we shall then have discharged our great duty of perpetually guarding our country. Heaven gives the crown of victory to those only who by habitual preparation win without fighting, and at the same time forthwith deprives of that crown those who, content with one success, give themselves up to the ease of peace. The ancients well said:Tighten your helmet strings in the hour of victory."
Theodore Roosevelt who was the President of the United States of America was very moved by those words and gave instructions to inform its words to all American Navy and Army.

Forty years has passed since the Rosso-Japanese war, Japan was at war with America. Chester Nimitz who is a admiral of the American Pacific Fleet respected Togo and was able to destroy Japanese Navy in the Togo's spirits.
Ironically, Togo's spirits and good luck were deprived by America.

After the World War2, Mikasa was wasted. Chester Nimitz exploded in anger to see that. Chester Nimitz donated his money to reconstruction for Mikasa. He also called for contributions to American Armed Forces for Mikasa. Mikasa was rebuild by America and has been ever since.

Access to Mikasa:
Togo Shrine: