May 31, 2017

Motomachi / Yokohama

Get there:
Take Subway Minato Mirai Line to Motomachi-Chukagai Station, Exit 5 .

Motomachi has prospered as the shopping street for the first foreign residents since 150 years ago. Many shops still remaining since then and those shops provides picky about good quality of its products.

Effect of built the giant shopping mall at New town which called Minato-Mirai area, the sales of the local shopping streets has been stagnating for a long time. However, Motomachi shopping street is very popular for its uniqueness. Also, there are many nice bar on the back alley. I think you like the atomosphere at there in the evening.

Basically, the Shopping malls in the Minato-Mirai area are strategic built for the tourists, Compared with that, The stores along the Motomachi shopping street are very popular among the local people those who lives there for a long time. Local people those who called "Hamakko" feels honor and has pride when they shopping at there.

When you feel tired of browsing on the such a busy street, why don't you get into the fancy cafe and take a relax for a while.

May 27, 2017

Easily find out the free Wifi in Tokyo

>How do I easily find out the place that providing
>Free WiFi service in Tokyo?

Go to the convenience stores such as SevenEleven or Lawson.

By the time you come to Japan,
Download "Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi" app in your smart phone.

You can also download "free wifi passport" as a alternative solution.

There are so many SevenEleven or Lawson in Tokyo, you would've find those shops every corner of the place. 

Go there, Most of there provided table and chair, 

sit on the chair and start app which I previously mentioned.

Very easy, isn't it! 

The summer in Tokyo is as hot as south east asia. so why don't you go into there which provided full air conditioned and take a relax over sipping coffee.
When you buy coffee and bread, it costs would be only 200 yen approximately.

Let me tell you how to order coffee at SevenEleven, Ask the staff that you want coffee, pay first and the staff pass you a empty cup for making coffee. Making coffee available at self service counter at SevenEleven,whereas the staff makes you coffee at Lawson.

May 22, 2017


Maybe the toilet conditions between Japan and your country are totally different. The people who lives in western countries such as America or Europe cleans toilet paper or The people who live in south east Asia cleans water in the pitcher.

In Japan, the toilet make the people cleans by using sprays from the toilet bowl. Also, you can adjust water temperature and can adjust the temperature of heated seat. Providing bidet function with adjustment water pressure and ventilation system that remove ugly smell.

So, Let's try to using it.
First of all, sit on the toilet bowl as usual. When you finished it, press a button which indicate "SHOWER" and appear a nozzle under the toilet bowl and then water jetting that cleans your spot. If you want to adjustment water pressure, press a button "HIGH" or "LOW". Press a button "STOP" when you don't need water any more and remove wetness using toilet paper.

Although we don't see it nowadays, There are toilet bowl which preparing a air function which blowing off wetness and making a beep sound which cover up a unpleasant sound that doesn't make other people hear that.

Finally, Press a button behind you then flush the water.

Those are called "Washlet" as a product name. You can buy it at appliance store or I think you can also buy at online shopping such a Amazon. If you can afford to buy it, why don't you consider to purchase as souvenir.

May 15, 2017

Yamate area / Yokohama

Get there:
Take Subway Minato Mirai Line to Motomachi-Chukagai Station,
Take right at Exit 5, then first right and going up a slope.
You will find a traffic light at the end of a slope.

Take left at a traffic light,
you are at the Harbor View Park (Minato-no-Mieru Oka Koen).
The best place for full view of Yokohama port.

You can also see the British House Yokohama which was built in 1937 as the British consular residence.

Yamate Jubankan in which of first floor is a cafe and second floor is a French restaurant was opened in 1967.

Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery.
Manay foreign people who played a role in westernizing Japanese culture  buried in this Cemetery.

Catholic Yamate Church.
It is also known as Sacred Heart Cathedral.

May 12, 2017

China Town / Yokohama

Get there:
Take Subway Minato Mirai Line to Motomachi-Chukagai Station, Exit 1.

I think the Highlight of the sightseeing place in Yokohama is China Town.

Yokohama China Town has been a popular for a long time though, where became more popular since built a subway station near China Town and rapidly developed Chinese economy.

There are so many people on holidays, so you had better visit there on weekdays than holidays if possible.

There are China Town everywhere in the world. Aside from China Town in San Francisco bay area, China Town in Yokohama that loved by so many people is very unusual compare to another China Town all over the world.

Why the Yokohama China Town is so popular among Japanese people? I think that because Yokohama China Town has designed by Chinese geomancy. In addition, As my opinion that China Town in foreign countries has established for Chinese people who lives in there. However, Chinese restaurant and souvenir shops in Yokohama China Town has strategy established for Japanese people.

Japanese people likes Chinese food very much because Chinese food is very common in Japan. 

I like Chinese food too that every time I went to foreign countries like America, I often eat at China Town. However, The taste of Chinese food between foreign countries and Japan are definitely different because its taste in foreign countries are tailored to Chinese people. In contrast, Chinese food its taste in Japan are tailored to Japanese people. As a result, I sometimes don't understand its taste when I eat Chinese food in foreign countries.

The food in Yokohama China Town are tailored to Japanese people. I guess  those reason make Japanese people crazy to Yokohama China Town.