Jan 28, 2017

Ladies first in Japan

Have your ever served ladies first since you came to Japan?  When you went to the restaurant with your Japanese male friend, Did he open the door and wait for you?  At the party, Did someone get some foods or drinks for you?  I guess you rerely served ladies first in Japan that must be make you feel uncomfortable.  I'm afraid but Japanese people doesn't have the concept of ladies first custom.

For example, The Hollywood superstar like Johnny Depp came to Japan to accompany his wife for advertising purpose for his latest movie.(I don't know he already got divorced or not)  A lot of his fans have been waiting for him at the airport arrival gate. Eventually Johnny Depp's wife appeared at airport arrival gate first but she only carried handbag. And then, Johnny Depp appeared later following after his wife. However he carried luggage cart which loading a pile of heavy suitcases. Although Johnny Depp is a Hollywood super star, he carried her luggages and walked behind his wife. It's wonderful that such a super star let his wife take the credit. Despite that, Japanese media wrote for a gossip magazine that he never wins against his wife, how miserable he is. Japanese people those who reading never raise objections to media's misleading article that why many Japanese people including me still doesn't understand what is ladies first.

In Japan, our way of thinking are men first than ladies first. In my opinion, we still retains of samurai spirits. I mean, Samurai's wives devoted to help her husband before he go to the battle fields. I think that Japanese men are not good at escoat women because we still has samurai spirits in our immune system. On the other hand, If you get married with Japanese women who devote to men, you would be feel comfortable about your situation.

Effect of the Internet, the world  became more globalized. Sooner or later, we have to accepts westerner's culture like a ladies first though, It will take a long time before it becomes widespread among Japanese men.


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