Jan 28, 2017

Ladies first in Japan

Have your ever served ladies first since you came to Japan?  When you went to the restaurant with your Japanese male friend, Did he open the door and wait for you?  At the party, Did someone get some foods or drinks for you?  I guess you rerely served ladies first in Japan that must be make you feel uncomfortable.  I'm afraid but Japanese people doesn't have the concept of ladies first custom.

For example, The Hollywood superstar like Johnny Depp came to Japan to accompany his wife for advertising purpose for his latest movie.(I don't know he already got divorced or not)  A lot of his fans have been waiting for him at the airport arrival gate. Eventually Johnny Depp's wife appeared at airport arrival gate first but she only carried handbag. And then, Johnny Depp appeared later following after his wife. However he carried luggage cart which loading a pile of heavy suitcases. Although Johnny Depp is a Hollywood super star, he carried her luggages and walked behind his wife. It's wonderful that such a super star let his wife take the credit. Despite that, Japanese media wrote for a gossip magazine that he never wins against his wife, how miserable he is. Japanese people those who reading never raise objections to media's misleading article that why many Japanese people including me still doesn't understand what is ladies first.

In Japan, our way of thinking are men first than ladies first. In my opinion, we still retains of samurai spirits. I mean, Samurai's wives devoted to help her husband before he go to the battle fields. I think that Japanese men are not good at escoat women because we still has samurai spirits in our immune system. On the other hand, If you get married with Japanese women who devote to men, you would be feel comfortable about your situation.

Effect of the Internet, the world  became more globalized. Sooner or later, we have to accepts westerner's culture like a ladies first though, It will take a long time before it becomes widespread among Japanese men.


Jan 18, 2017

Ueno Zoological Gardens / Ueno, Tokyo

Get there:

From JR Ueno Station Park Exit, Across the traffic light and then turn right next turn your left. Many people those who accompany with children heading to the same direction, you feel that you are in the right track instinctively. It takes about less than ten minutes to get to Ueno zoo entrance from Ueno Station.

Admission: 600 yen
Close on every Monday

More detail information:


Panda, the most popular animal in the zoo.

If you want to see Capybara, make sure get there before 1:45 pm

Jan 15, 2017

Great Buddha / Kamakura Kanagawa

Great Buddha(大仏)

Get there:
Take JR Yokosuka Line from Downtown Tokyo such a Tokyo Station. It takes approximately fifty minutes to get to Kamakura(鎌倉) Station from Tokyo Station. When you arrive at Kamakura Station, transfer to a Enoden(江ノ電) Line and get off at Hase(長谷) Station that takes theree stops from Kamakura Station.

When you got through the station, take your right.

Go straight on the narrow pedestrian way along the trinket shops for ten minutes, you can find a souvenir shop in front of a entrance gate of temple where the Great Buddha is located.

Pay 200 yen at the booth for admission fee.

Great Buddha which was built in 1252. Althogh Great Buddha that located inside of a large temple hall, its temple hall destroyed by tidal waves in 1495. Since then, the Great Buddha has been standing in the open air.

Being separated between the statue and sill which means simple aseismatic structure.

Appearance of behind

Sandals for Great Buddha

Great Buddha's interior space

Jan 8, 2017

Hase Temple / Kamakura Kanagawa

Hase Temple(長谷寺)

Get there:
Take JR Yokosuka Line from Downtown Tokyo such a Tokyo Station. It takes approximately fifty minutes to get to Kamakura(鎌倉) Station from Tokyo Station. When you arrive at Kamakura Station, transfer to a Enoden(江ノ電) Line and get off at Hase(長谷) Station that takes theree stops from Kamakura Station.

When you got through the station, take your right.

And then, take this left.

You are there.
Pay admission fees for 300 yen.

When you got through the entrance, go up the stairs which made of stone.

Exploring Temple site.

You'll be stunned to see the ten meters tall wooden Kannon sculpture inside of the Temple. but take pictures are prohibited.

exploring cave:
Entrance here

Jan 3, 2017

Consider going to Kyoto and Osaka

You came all the way to Tokyo, You might consider going to Kinki region(Not Kinky) such as Kyoto and Osaka. Usually, you are going to book your travel at travel agencies office or apply on the net.

I just investigated about reasonable travel plan for collecting travel brochure at the travel agencies office and serching on the net, Finally I reached out a conclusion that apply for the travel which I mentioned the link below which contain travel plan comparison information from 22 travel agencies which eable to competitive prices.


For example, If you want to go to Kyoto for one night two days from Tokyo, you are able to get there from only 17,000 yen which included round trip Bullet train tickets and stay at the hotel. As the normal charge for the bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto for one way trip is 13,080 yen, the travel comparison information site I recommended offers very reasonable prices. You should not better decide your departure day on saturday if possible because that day is the most expensive of the week.

However, the link which I mentioned above is written in Japanese only. Not available in English. Although you can translate that web site into English by using translate function which provided on the net. but current technologies of translate functions are not still reliable. If you know someone who are native Japanese, you shoud ask him or her that apply for the travel plan as your behalf. They are very kind and reliable people for the tourlists, so they will be accept your offer.